Thursday, November 02, 2006

Photos Tunisie -Italie

Ca y'est j'ai finalement mis sur mon site les photos de la Tunisie et de l' Italie...
Pour le noir et blanc va falloir attendre un ptit bout de temps , j'ai des problemes de scan et encore des films à devellopper...
Cliquez sur les à bientot


Ricardo said...

wow... it´ll take me for ever to read your blog (which is not too bad, considering i don´t speak french!)... I have been trying some cheap/free web translator, and they suck! (
At least you have taken some amazing pictures, and it kind of helps me understand!... or (even funnier) i can make weird stories with your pictures!
my favorite one so far: the tunisia flag one

run said...

hi ricardo
thanks for the effort...
i might try to get more international someday...
i sometime use
but it sucks too and it's in french...
did you get the pics with the gorilla and the polar bear?

Christelle said...

sympas de présenter ces photos de drapeaux avec des vents contraires, j'apprécie!